our little model! hes been smiling in pictures now and i just love it!

my baby is only 1 and he looks like a 4 year in this picture

i love his curly hair

4th of july fireworks! we were with jakes family, it was fun we had a neighborhood barbeque and afterwards everyone brings fireworks and you do them in the church parking lot!

the first few fireworks scared him a lil bit

4th of july! yes jaxen does wear clothes it seems everytime i have the camera out hes in underwear.

its a blurry picture but i love when he does that grin

he just looks like the cutest little nerd

Our little swimmer!

Jaxen jumping in his underwear

Jaxen loving life in his underwear
Jaxen is so cute! Your mom said you guys were moving down hopefully in August. That's so exciting! We'll definitely have to hang out!
Ok it's only been a few months since i have seen you guys and jaxen has transormed. he looks so grown up and i love his curly hair! i promise i will get a cd off to you soon from your SF trip. I am so bad!
Oh my gosh! He is so dang cute! I absolutely love that first picture you posted!
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